Executive Director


Bishop Tim Kerns accepted Christ as His Savior at the age of 18 at the Calvary Temple Church of God in New Port Richey, FL, where soon after he accepted the call to ministry. He has a bachelor of arts (BA) in bible from lee university and a master of arts(MA) in christian ministry from liberty university. he began his full-time ministry in South Carolina in 1981, where he met his beautiful wife, Kim. The Kerns have been married since 1982, and have one daughter, Andrea, who is married to Ray Hyman. The kerns have two handsome grandsons. Kim works alongside her husband, serving as Women’s Ministries Liaison and Public Relations Director.

Prior to coming to serve as the State Director of the Home for Children in Mauldin in June, 2015, the Kerns most recently served the Tremont Church in Greenville as Lead Pastor for 12 ½ years. Before that they served the Gap Hill congregation in Six Mile for 10 years, the Calvary Church in Westminster, and had pastorates in Aiken & Columbia.

Having been privileged to preach in several countries outside of the United States, Bishop Kerns has also served on several boards and committees here in South Carolina, including both the State Youth Board and State Council multiple terms.

The Kerns recognize that caring for children is the very heart of God according to James 1:27, and they are honored to be part of this vital ministry. With the continued blessings and favor of God upon us and the faithful support of our committed contributors, these special children placed in our care will not only be impacted by having their physical needs met, but most importantly, we have the opportunity to show them the love of Jesus Christ!

Tim & Kim Kerns